Thursday, November 19, 2009

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

Barbie is still a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world, and she isn't shy about it anymore. After Aqua's song "Barbie Girl" became a hit and offended Mattel execs way back in 1997, Barbie seemed to focus on more intellectual endeavors, such as going camping and getting tattoos (no joke. Tattoo Barbie is available on Mattel's website). Now, Barbie is ready to get her dance a re-recorded version of Aqua's original song. She's even got her own "Barbie Dance," based on the doll's twelve points of possible movement. Mattel says, "If you want to learn the dance, try moving like a doll, then add what Mattel calls “a signature point, twist, snap.” It's that simple, and now we can all be Barbie girls in a Barbie world. Is anyone else slightly scared? If you're not, International inspectors are, but it has nothing to do with Barbie. Iran has been saving the best for last for about seven years and allowed inspectors to "inspect" the plant under strict supervision. Although no one is certain, it is said visitors were equipped with blindfolds and extremely dense earplugs which they were encouraged to wear while in the plant, at the risk of getting lost and never finding their way out again. Inspectors came back from their visit "highly skeptical" of Iran's motivation and potential nuclear capabilities.

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